Navigating Wedding Guest Attire: Colours You Can and Cannot Wear

Navigating Wedding Guest Attire: Colours You Can and Cannot Wear

28th Nov 2023

Choosing the right outfit for a wedding is a delicate art, and colour plays a crucial role in your decision. While there aren't strict rules about the colours you can or cannot wear, there are some guidelines and cultural considerations to keep in mind.

Colours You Can Wear:

  1. Neutrals: Classic neutral colours like black, white, gray, and beige are typically safe choices. However, all-white attire is often reserved for the bride, so it's best to avoid it.
  2. Pastels: Soft pastel colours such as blush, lavender, mint, and baby blue are excellent choices for a wedding, as they exude a sense of romance and elegance.
  3. Jewel Tones: Deep, rich jewel tones like emerald green, sapphire blue, and burgundy can add a touch of sophistication to your outfit.
  4. Earth Tones: Muted earthy colours, like taupe, terracotta, and olive, are increasingly popular and can be stylish for a wedding.

Colors to Be Cautious With:

  1. Red: While red is a vibrant and beautiful colour, it can be a bit too attention-grabbing and traditionally associated with brides. However, shades like maroon or wine can work well.
  2. All-White or Ivory: It's a widely acknowledged rule not to wear all-white or ivory, as it can overshadow the bride.
  3. Black: Black attire can be acceptable for evening weddings, but it's best to avoid it for daytime ceremonies, as it may convey a somber tone.
  4. Ultra-Bright Colours: Neon or fluorescent colours might be too flashy for a wedding and draw undue attention.
  5. Patterned Dresses: If your dress features a bold pattern, be sure it doesn't clash with the wedding's colour scheme or the bridesmaids' dresses.

Ultimately, the best advice is to consider the formality of the wedding, the cultural background of the couple, and the venue. When in doubt, reach out to the couple for guidance or adhere to the wedding invitation's dress code, which can often provide clues about the preferred colour palette. The key is to be respectful and celebrate the couple's special day without stealing the spotlight.